Naming Agency
Naming Agency
Brands that Ignite Conversations
We generate powerful, evocative brand names that help our clients communicate better with their prospects. We are a full-service naming company delivering strategy, nomenclature, name ideation, linguistic analysis, and tm review.
““Uppercase is quick, creative
and cost effective.””
We name companies and products. But we also name Features & Flavors, Colors & Scents, Models & Collections, Events & Initiatives, Buildings & Developments, Conditions & Procedures, Trials & Programs... you name it. Or, rather, we name it.
If you are reading this, you already know the benefits of engaging a specialist to create your brand name. You know how hard it is. You know how time consuming it is. And you know where your time is best spent - which is not on brainstorming names.
So why us? Uppercase is a better naming company because:
Our process is guaranteed: We work until you are thrilled.
95% of projects require two rounds or less.
Our value is unrivaled: We invest in talent not overhead.
Our fees are one third or less than other firms.
Our work is exceptional: We deliver names that engage.
Strategic, evocative, compelling.
We believe a brand name is vitally important. No marketing message will be used as long or as frequently as your brand name. It is your single most dominant communication.
We believe generating the best brand name ideas absolutely requires considerable time and effort. Time and effort by skilled creative professionals with a single minded focus on the work.
We believe money invested in creating a great brand name is one of the best investments you can make in your business.
We believe a name won’t, by itself, make or break your company or product, but a bad name will hinder your work and a great name will make success come easier.
We believe a great brand name works hard in support of your business. And great names are best generated using the art of creativity, the science of linguistics, and the discipline of marketing.
““Simply brilliant””
Strategy Session
Most of our clients come to us with a brief already prepared so there is no need to recreate the wheel. (But if not, we help with that too.) We ask pointed, creative and insightful questions that help us both peel the onion and reveal the crucial insights that will stimulate and inform the development of great name candidates.
Creative Development
Who knows where the next great idea comes from? We do. While it can happen in the shower or on the way to work or while watching Monday Night Football, it has been gestating, marinating and percolating through deep thought, exhaustive research and creative discipline.
““Uppercase is on speed-dial””
We luxuriate in dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, medical books, foreign dictionaries, surfer dictionaries, cowboy dictionaries, and books of literature, poetry and lyrics. We use the web, proprietary software, Scrabble, Boggle, and custom creative techniques. We visit libraries, museums, movies, concerts, and monitor pop culture and current events. Because we know the next great idea is out there and we will find it.
Creative Evaluation
In our business quantity begets quality so Uppercase frequently generates thousands of candidates. Applying strategic parameters, creative insight and linguistic disciplines we select the best candidates to share with our clients. In fact, our evaluation process is so thorough we have codified and, of course, named it. Read about the DESLER-Vessel evaluative process here.
After creative evaluation and before presentation we screen all candidates for language, slang, web, and TM issues. We eliminate the problems before they happen.
We have never actually seen a dog and pony show but we are pretty sure we don’t do one. Our presentations are concise, clear, stimulating and informative. While we rarely go more than two rounds of creative work, we develop until you are delighted.
““We selected another vendor. Bad idea. I really wish we had gone with Uppercase.””
We deliver creative brand names that engage prospects. Guaranteed.
Watch Uppercase President and Creative Director entertain a packed house at Ignite San Francisco.